Index of values

add_artifacts [Cpdftype]

Add artifact markers to any un-marked part of the content stream.

add_bookmark_title [Cpdfbookmarks]

Indent bookmarks in each file by one and add a title bookmark pointing to the first page.

add_bookmarks [Cpdfbookmarks]

add_bookmarks verify input pdf adds bookmarks from the bookmark file give.

add_default_fontpack [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
add_page_labels [Cpdfpagelabels]

Add page labels.

addbezier [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addbezier13 [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addbezier23 [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addbt [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addcharspace [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addcircle [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addet [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addimage [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addjpeg [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addleading [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addline [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addnamespace [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addnewline [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addnewpage [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addop [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addopacity [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addpara [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addparas [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addpng [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addrect [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addrectangle [Cpdfaddtext]

Add a rectangle to the given pages.

addrendermode [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addrise [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addsopacity [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addspecialtext [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addstag [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addtag [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addtext [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addtexts [Cpdfaddtext]

Call add_texts linewidth outline fast fontname font bates batespad colour position linespacing fontsize underneath text pages orientation relative_to_cropbox midline_adjust topline filename pdf.

addtextscale [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addto [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
addwordspace [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
allupright [Cpdfpage]

True if all pages are "upright" i.e no rotation and (0,0)-based.

alluprightonly [Cpdfpage]

True if all pages are "upright" i.e no rotation.

append_page_content [Cpdftweak]

Append page content.

artifact [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
attach_file [Cpdfattach]

attach_file keepversion topage pdf filename attaches the file in filename to the pdf, optionally to a page (rather than document-level).

autoartifacts [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
autotags [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
blackfills [Cpdftweak]

Make all fills on certain pages black.

blacklines [Cpdftweak]

Make all lines on certain pages black.

blacktext [Cpdftweak]

Make all text on certain pages black.

blank_document [Cpdfcreate]

Make a blank document given x and y page dimensions in points and a number of pages

blank_document_paper [Cpdfcreate]

The same, but give a Pdfpaper.t paper size.

bookmarks_open_to_level [Cpdfbookmarks]

Set bookmarks to be open to the given level.

calculate_position [Cpdfposition]

calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) orientation pos calculates the absolute position of text given its width, bounding box, orientation and position.

center_to_fit [Cpdfpage]
change_bookmark [Cpdfbookmarks]

Alter bookmark destinations given a hash table of (old page reference number, new page reference number) pairings

change_boxes [Cpdfpage]

Change the media box and other known boxes by a function which takes xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax as input.

change_pattern_matrices_page [Cpdfpage]

When a page is transformed, its patterns must be too.

chop [Cpdfchop]

Chop pages in the given range into pieces.

chop_hv [Cpdfchop]

Chop a page in the given range horizontally or vertically.

circle [Cpdfshape]

Calling circle x y r builds a path representing a circle at (x, y) with radius r.

clip [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
clipevenodd [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
closepath [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
cmaps [Cpdftruetype]

Return the list of cmaps from a font file (used for PDF/UA verification).

collate_runs [Cpdfembed]

Collate outputs of get_char with like font

colour_op [Cpdfaddtext]

Build a colour operation for filling with the given colour.

colour_op_stroke [Cpdfaddtext]

Build a colour operation for filing with the given colour

colours [Cpdfcolours]

Standard CSS Colours, names in lowercase.

combine_pages [Cpdfpage]

combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize combines the page content of two PDFs, page-by-page.

copy_annotations [Cpdfannot]

Copy the annotations on a given set of pages

copy_box [Cpdfpage]

Copy one box to another in the given pages.

copy_font [Cpdffont]

Copy a font

copy_id [Cpdfmetadata]

copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto copies the ID, if any, from copyfrom to copyto.

create_metadata [Cpdfmetadata]

Create XMP metadata from scratch

create_pdfua1 [Cpdfua]

Make a blank PDF/UA-1 PDF given a title, paper size, and number of pages.

create_pdfua2 [Cpdfua]

Make a blank PDF/UA-2 PDF given a title, paper size, and number of pages.

crop_pdf [Cpdfpage]

crop_pdf xywhlist pdf range sets the cropbox on the given pages.

current_time [Cpdfstrftime]

Get the time now

debug_image_processing [Cpdfimage]

Print info when processing image

decompress_pdf [Cpdfsqueeze]

Decompresses all streams in a PDF document, assuming it isn't encrypted.

do_add_artifacts [Cpdfdraw]

When this is set, any untagged material is tagged as an artifact.

draft [Cpdfdraft]

Remove images from a PDF, optionally adding crossed boxes.

draw [Cpdfdraw]

Calling draw struct_tree fast underneath filename bates batespad range pdf drawops draws on top of all the pages in the range.

drawops [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
dummy [Cpdfstrftime]

A dummy time value

dump_attached_files [Cpdfattach]

Dump attached files to a given directory.

eltinfo [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
embed_font [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
embed_missing_fonts [Cpdffont]

Embed missing fonts

embed_truetype [Cpdfembed]

Build a fontpack from a TrueType font and list of codepoints, embedding its fonts in the document

encode_output [Cpdfmetadata]

Encode a string using a given encoding.

endartifact [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
endeltinfo [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
endstag [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
endtag [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
endxobj [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
error [Cpdferror]

Raise SoftError with the given string.

expand_date [Cpdfmetadata]

Expands the date "now" to the date now.

extract_fontfile [Cpdffont]

Extract a font file to disk.

extract_images [Cpdfimage]

Extract images.

extract_page_text [Cpdfextracttext]

Extract page text for a given page.

extract_struct_tree [Cpdfua]

Extract structure tree to JSON

extract_text [Cpdfextracttext]

Extract page text for given page range.

fill [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
fillevenodd [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
font_widths [Cpdftype]

Return the font width table for a given (id, font, fontsize) combination.

fontpack_initialised [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
fontpack_of_standardfont [Cpdfembed]

Build a fontpack for a Standard 14 font

get_annotations [Cpdfannot]

Return the annotations as a simple old-style (pagenumber, content) list.

get_annotations_json [Cpdfannot]

Get annotations as JSON

get_bookmarks_json [Cpdfbookmarks]

Get bookmarks in JSON format.

get_char [Cpdfembed]

Look up a unicode codepoint in a font page.

get_dict_entries [Cpdftweak]

Get dictionary entries in JSON format

get_info_utf8 [Cpdfmetadata]

Given a PDF, returns a function which can lookup a given dictionary entry from the /Info dictionary, returning it as a UTF8 string

get_metadata [Cpdfmetadata]

Extract metadata to a Pdfio.bytes

get_xmp_info [Cpdfmetadata]

Get XMP information for a given key.

getfontname [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
getfontsize [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
getindent [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
go [Cpdfcommand]

Call the command line tools with the contents of Sys.argv

go_withargv [Cpdfcommand]

Call the command line tools with a specialised argv of our own

hard_box [Cpdfpage]

Clip a page to one of its boxes, or the media box if that box is not present.

hasbox [Cpdfpage]

True if a given page in a PDF has a given box

hflip_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Flip the given pages horizontally

image_resolution [Cpdfimage]

Report image resolutions.

image_resolution_json [Cpdfimage]

Report image resolution data in JSON format

images [Cpdfimage]

List images in JSON format

impose [Cpdfimpose]


invert_range [Cpdfpagespec]

Invert a range, given the maximum page number and the range.

iter_pages [Cpdfpage]

Same as process_pages, but iterate rather than map.

jpeg2000_dimensions [Cpdfjpeg2000]

Return the width and height of a JPEG2000 stream

jpeg_dimensions [Cpdfjpeg]

Return the width and height of a JPEG

json_fonts [Cpdffont]

Return font list in JSON format

json_of_object [Cpdfjson]

Convert a single PDF object to CPDFJSON format.

json_page_info [Cpdfpage]

Return page info for selected pages in JSON format.

kappa [Cpdfshape]

The factor by which the radius of a circle is multiplied to find the length of the bezier control lines when approximating quarter arcs to make circles.

list_annotations [Cpdfannot]

List the annotations to standard output in a given encoding.

list_attached_files [Cpdfattach]

List attached files.

list_bookmarks [Cpdfbookmarks]

list_bookmarks encoding range pdf output lists the bookmarks to the given output in the format specified in cpdfmanual.pdf.

list_fonts [Cpdffont]

Return font list.

list_spot_colours [Cpdfspot]

List spot colours to Standard Output.

load_substitute [Cpdfembed]

Load substitute Standard 14 font

loadttf [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
loadttfseparate [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
map_pages [Cpdfpage]

Same as process_pages but return the list of outputs of the map function.

mark [Cpdfua]

Mark PDF as PDF/UA-1 compliant.

mark2 [Cpdfua]

Mark PDF as PDF/UA-2 compliant.

missing_fonts [Cpdffont]

Report missing fonts

missing_fonts_return [Cpdffont]

Return missing fonts

name_of_spec [Cpdfbookmarks]

name_of_spec encoding marks pdf splitlevel spec n filename startpage endpage expands a bookmark specifiation filename.

object_of_json [Cpdfjson]

Convert a single CPDFJSON object to a PDF object

ocg_coalesce [Cpdfocg]

Coalesce same-named OCGs resulting from merge.

ocg_get_list [Cpdfocg]

Return list of OCG names.

ocg_list [Cpdfocg]

Print OCG list to Standard Output.

ocg_order_all [Cpdfocg]

Make sure every OCG is in the /Order.

ocg_rename [Cpdfocg]

Rename an OCG.

of_input [Cpdfjson]

Read a CPDFJSON PDF from an input.

output_info [Cpdfmetadata]

Output to standard output general information about a PDF.

output_page_info [Cpdfpage]

Print page info (Mediabox etc) to standard output.

output_xmp_info [Cpdfmetadata]

Output to standard output information from any XMP metadata stream in a PDF.

padafter [Cpdfpad]

Put blank pages after the given page numbers

padbefore [Cpdfpad]

Put blank pages before the given page numbers

padmultiple [Cpdfpad]

Pad to a multiple of n pages

parse [Cpdftruetype]

Parse the given TrueType font file.

parse_bookmark_file [Cpdfbookmarks]

parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input parses the bookmark file in input.

parse_colour [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
parse_coordinate [Cpdfcoord]

Read a coordinate from a string

parse_coordinates [Cpdfcoord]

Read a list of coordinates from a string

parse_pagespec [Cpdfpagespec]

Parse a (valid) page specification to a page range

parse_pagespec_without_pdf [Cpdfpagespec]

Same, but without a PDF.

parse_rectangle [Cpdfcoord]

Read a single rectangles from a string.

parse_rectangles [Cpdfcoord]

Read a list of rectangles from a string.

parse_single_number [Cpdfcoord]

Read a single number from a string

pop [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
presentation [Cpdfpresent]

presentation range t d horizontal inward direction effect_duration pdf adds a presentation on the pages in range.

print_dict_entry [Cpdftweak]

Print a dictionary entry.

print_font_table [Cpdffont]

Print a font table to Standard Output.

print_fonts [Cpdffont]

Print font list to stdout

print_metadata [Cpdfmetadata]

Print metadate to stdout

print_pdf_objs [Cpdfdebug]

Print all the objects from a given PDF to Standard Output.

print_struct_tree [Cpdfua]

Print the structure tree to standard output, graphically.

process [Cpdfimage]

Reprocess images.

process_pages [Cpdfpage]

Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages.

push [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
read_png [Cpdfpng]

Read a non-interlaced, non-alpha, non-palette PNG for inclusion in a PDF file.

recompress_pdf [Cpdfsqueeze]

Compresses all streams in the PDF document which are uncompressed, using /FlateDecode, leaving out metadata.

rectangle [Cpdfshape]

Calling rectangle x y w h builds a path representing a rectangle with top left (x, y), width w and height h.

rectify_boxes [Cpdfpage]

Change a page's media box so its minimum x and y are 0, making other operations simpler to think about.

redact [Cpdfpage]
remove_all_text [Cpdfremovetext]

Remove all text from the given pages

remove_annotations [Cpdfannot]

Remove the annotations on given pages.

remove_art_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Remove any art box from the given pages.

remove_attached_files [Cpdfattach]

Remove attached files.

remove_bleed_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Remove any bleed box from the given pages.

remove_clipping [Cpdftweak]

Remove clipping.

remove_cropping_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Remove any cropping from the given pages.

remove_dict_entry [Cpdftweak]

Remove a dictionary entry.

remove_fonts [Cpdffont]

Remove fonts from a document.

remove_mark [Cpdfua]

Remove any PDF/UA-* marker

remove_metadata [Cpdfmetadata]

Remove the metadata from a file

remove_trim_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Remove any trim box from the given pages.

remove_unsafe_characters [Cpdfattach]

Remove characters which might not make good filenames from a UTF8 string.

removetext [Cpdfremovetext]

Remove text added by Cpdfaddtext from the given pages.

replace_dict_entry [Cpdftweak]

Replace a dictionary entry.

replace_struct_tree [Cpdfua]

Reapply an edited JSON structure tree to its PDF.

restrict_angle [Cpdfshape]

Calling restrict_angle s a restricts an angle a to one of those at s, 2s, 3s... returning the chosen one.

rolemap [Cpdfdraw]

Set the role map.

rotate_contents [Cpdfpage]

Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages.

rotate_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages.

rotate_pdf_by [Cpdfpage]

Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages.

scale_contents [Cpdfpage]

Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range.

scale_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages.

scale_to_fit_pdf [Cpdfpage]

scale_to_fit_pdf fast position input_scale x y op pdf range scales a page to fit the page size given by (x, y) and by the input_scale (e.g 1.0 = scale to fit, 0.9 = scale to fit leaving a border etc.).

setBox [Cpdfpage]

setBox boxname x y w h pdf range sets the given box on the given pages.

set_annotations_json [Cpdfannot]

Set annotations from JSON.

set_mediabox [Cpdfpage]

set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range sets the media box on the given pages.

set_metadata [Cpdfmetadata]

set_metadata keepversion filename pdf sets the XML metadata of a PDF to the contents of filename.

set_metadata_date [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the metadata date

set_metadata_from_bytes [Cpdfmetadata]

The same, but the content comes from bytes.

set_non_full_screen_page_mode [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the non full screen page mode to the given name (sans slash) e.g UseThumbs

set_open_action [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the open action.

set_page_layout [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage

set_page_mode [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the page mode to the given name (sans slash) e.g UseThumbs

set_pdf_info [Cpdfmetadata]

set_pdf_info (key, value, version) sets the entry key in the /Info directory, updating the PDF minor version to version.

set_version [Cpdfmetadata]

Set the PDF version number

set_viewer_preference [Cpdfmetadata]

set_pdf_info (key, value, version) sets the entry key in the /ViewerPreferences directory, updating the PDF minor version to version.

setcap [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setdash [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setdrawing [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setembedstd14 [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setfill [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setfontname [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setfontsize [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setjoin [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmatrix [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmiter [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmrotate [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmscale [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmshearx [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmsheary [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setmtranslate [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setrolemap [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setstroke [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
setthickness [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
shift_boxes [Cpdfpage]

Shift a PDF's boxes in x and y (in pts) in the given pages.

shift_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages.

show_boxes [Cpdfpage]

Show the page boxes for debug.

show_composition [Cpdfcomposition]

show_composition filesize json pdf prints the composition of a document to Standard Output.

show_composition_json_blob [Cpdfcomposition]

show_composition_json_blob filesize json pdf returns the composition of a document in JSON format.

size_attached_files [Cpdfattach]

Total size in bytes of all attached files.

squeeze [Cpdfsqueeze]

Squeeze a PDF

stamp [Cpdfpage]

stamp relative_to_cropbox position topline midline fast scale_to_fit isover range over pdf stamps the first page of over over each page of the PDF.

stamp_as_xobject [Cpdfxobject]

Stamp a PDF as an xobject in another.

startxobj [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
stretch [Cpdfpage]
strftime [Cpdfstrftime]


string_of_pagespec [Cpdfpagespec]

Return a string for the given range.

string_of_position [Cpdfposition]

Produce a debug string of a position

stroke [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
strokefill [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
strokefillevenodd [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
subformat_of_string [Cpdfua]

Parse PDF/UA-1 and PDF/UA-2 to the subformat type.

test_matterhorn_json [Cpdfua]

Return JSON results of a matterhorn test ("" = all tests

test_matterhorn_print [Cpdfua]

Print matterhorn test results ("" = all tests)

thinlines [Cpdftweak]

Make all lines in the PDF at least a certain thickness.

to_buffer [Cpdfprinttree]

Print a tree to a buffer.

to_output [Cpdfjson]

Write a PDF in CPDFJSON format.

to_string [Cpdfprinttree]

Print a tree to a string.

to_string [Cpdftype]

Debug printing

trim_marks [Cpdfpage]

Add trim marks.

ttfs [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
twoup [Cpdfimpose]

The legacy twoup operation does the same, but scales the new sides down so that the media box is unchanged.

twoup_stack [Cpdfimpose]

The legacy twoup_stack operation puts two logical pages on each physical page, rotating them 90 degrees to do so.

typeset [Cpdftexttopdf]

Typeset a text file as a PDF.

typeset [Cpdftype]

typeset process_struct_tree lmargin rmargin tmargin bmargin papersize pdf contents builds a list of pages of typset content.

typeset_table_of_contents [Cpdftoc]

Typeset a table of contents and prepend to the document.

unicodedata [Cpdfunicodedata]

The unicode data.

unicodedata_source [Cpdfunicodedata]

The source, compressed.

upright [Cpdfpage]

Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered.

usexobj [Cpdfdrawcontrol]
validate_pagespec [Cpdfpagespec]

Is a page specification, in theory, valid? This is the most we can find out without supplying a PDF, and thus knowing how many pages there are in it.

vflip_pdf [Cpdfpage]

Flip the given pages vertically

width_of_string [Cpdftype]

Calculate the widths of a string given a font width table, and list of char codes

xobjbbox [Cpdfdrawcontrol]