Module Pdfdest

module Pdfdest: sig .. end


type targetpage = 
| PageObject of int
| OtherDocPageNumber of int

The target of a destination is either a page object in the same PDF (given by object number of page object), or a page number in an external file.

type t = 
| Action of Pdf.pdfobject
| NullDestination
| NamedDestinationElsewhere of string
| XYZ of targetpage * float option * float option * float option
| Fit of targetpage
| FitH of targetpage * float option
| FitV of targetpage * float option
| FitR of targetpage * float * float * float * float
| FitB of targetpage
| FitBH of targetpage * float option
| FitBV of targetpage * float option

Destinations (and actions)

val read_destination : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> t

Read a destination given a PDF and destionation object.

val pdfobject_of_destination : t -> Pdf.pdfobject

Write a destination to a Pdf.pdfobject.

val transform_destination : Pdftransform.transform_matrix -> t -> t

Transform a destination by a matrix