Chapter 18
Drawing on PDFs

cpdf in.pdf [<range>] -draw <draw operations> [-underneath] -o out.pdf
cpdf -text-width <text> [-font <font>] [-fontsize <fontsize>]

Building and showing paths
-rect Draw rectangle
-to Move to
-line Add line to path
-bez Add Bezier curve to path
-bez23 Add Bezier curve to path
-bez13 Add Bezier curve to path
-circle Add circle to path
-stroke Stroke path
-fill Fill path
-filleo Fill path, even odd
-strokefill Stroke and fill path
-strokefilleo Stroke and fill path, even odd
-close Close path

Clipping with paths
-clip Clip
-clipeo Clip, even odd

Path parameters
-strokecol Set stroke colour
-fillcol Set fill colour
-thick Set stroke thickness
-cap Set cap
-join Set join
-miter Set miter limit
-dash Set dash pattern

The graphics stack and matrices
-push Push graphics stack
-pop Pop graphics stack
-matrix Append to graphics matrix
-mtrans Translate the graphics matrix
-mrot Rotate the graphics matrix
-mscale Scale the graphics matrix
-mshearx Shear the graphics matrix in X
-msheary Shear the graphics matrix in Y

Re-use with XObjects
-xobj-bbox Specify the bounding box for xobjects
-xobj Begin saving a sequence of graphics operators
-end-xobj End saving a sequence of graphics operators
-use Use a saved sequence of graphics operators

-draw-jpeg Load a JPEG from file and name it
-draw-png Load a PNG from file and name it
-image Draw an image which has already been loaded

-fill-opacity Set opacity
-stroke-opacity Set stroke opacity

-bt Begin text
-et End text
-text Draw text
-stext Draw text with %specials
-para Typeset a paragraph
-paras Typeset multiple paragraphs
-leading Set leading
-charspace Set character spacing
-wordspace Set word space
-textscale Set text scale
-rendermode Set text rendering mode
-rise Set text rise
-nl New line

The next page
-newpage Move to a fresh page

Structure Information
-draw-struct-tree Add structure information
-tag Begin marked content
-end-tag End marked content
-stag Begin structure tree branch
-end-stag End structure tree branch
-auto-tags Automatically tag paragraphs and images
-no-auto-tags Refrain from automatically tagging paragraphs and images
-artifact Begin manual artifact
-end-artifact End manual artifact
-no-auto-artifacts Prevent automatic addition of artifacts during postprocessing
-namespace Set the namespace for future branches of the tree
-eltinfo Set element information
-end-eltinfo Erase element information
-rolemap Set role map

18.1 Basics

We can draw on an existing PDF (or a new one created with -create-pdf from the previous chapter) using the -draw operation. This provides commands for drawing vector graphics, simple text and adding images. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -bt -text Hello -et -o out.pdf
cpdf in.pdf -draw -bt -text Hello -et -o out.pdf

The first example builds a new A4 portrait PDF with one page, and writes Hello in the default 12pt Times Roman font at the bottom left. The second does the same, but for every page of an existing PDF.

18.2 Building and showing paths

-rect "x y w h" Draw rectangle
-to "x y" Move to
-line "x y" Add line to path
-bez "x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3" Add Bezier curve to path
-bez23 "x2 y2 x3 y3" Add Bezier curve to path
-bez13 "x1 y1 x3 y3" Add Bezier curve to path
-circle "x y r" Add circle to path
-stroke Stroke path
-fill Fill path
-filleo Fill path, even odd
-strokefill Stroke and fill path
-strokefilleo Stroke and fill path, even odd
-close Close path

To draw line art, we build paths and then stroke or fill them. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100" -line "400 400" -stroke
     -line "400 100" -line "100 100" -stroke
     -o out.pdf

We use -to to start the path at a given coordinate, -line to extend the path with each line, and then -stroke to stroke the path. Coordinates in a PDF file have the origin (0,0) at the bottom-left of the page. All units are in points (1/72 inch). This creates the following PDF:

A single line

Alternatively, we may use -close to draw the final line back to the starting point:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100" -line "400 400"
     -line "400 100" -close -stroke
     -o out.pdf

We can have multiple such subpaths in a path, by closing and carrying on. We can fill our path with -fill:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100" -line "400 400"
     -line "400 100" -close -fill
     -o out.pdf

Now we have a filled triangle:

A filled triangle

The operations -filleo, -strokefill and -strokefilleo provide alternative combinations of stroke, fill, and winding rule.

We can save time when drawing rectangles by using the -rect operation, which takes the lower left coordinate, width and height. There is no need to explicitly close the rectangle.

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -rect "200 300 200 300" -stroke
     -o out.pdf

We can build bezier curves using -bez, -bez23 and -bez13. The first adds a bezier path using six coordinates - for the control points first, and then for the end point (the start point is the current coordinate):

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100" -bez "400 600 600 400 300 300"
     -stroke -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

A bezier line

The operation -bez23 is a shorthand used when the first control point is equal to the current point. The operation -bez13 is a shorthand used when the second control point is equal to the final point.

To avoid calculating the Bezier curves for a circle manually, Cpdf can generate them automatically when given the centre and radius:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -circle "200 200 100"
     -stroke -o out.pdf

18.3 Clipping with paths

-clip Clip
-clipeo Clip, even odd

We can use a path to form a clipping region for subsequent content using -clip or -clipeo. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -circle "300 300 100" -clip
     -circle "300 350 100" -fill -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

One circle clipped to another

18.4 Path parameters

-strokecol "g" | "r g b" | "c y m k" | <namedcolour> Set stroke colour
-fillcol "g" | "r g b" | "c y m k" | <namedcolour> Set fill colour
-thick <n> Set stroke thickness
-cap butt | round | square Set cap
-join miter | round | bevel Set join
-miter <n> Set miter limit
-dash <pattern> Set dash pattern

We can set stroke and fill colours for our paths, either as greyscale (one component), RGB (three components) or CMYK (four components), or by naming a colour as described in Chapter 8:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -circle "200 200 100" -thick 20
     -strokecol 0.5 -fillcol "0.2 0.7 0.2" -strokefill -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Stroke and fill colours

We can set line caps and joins with -cap, -join:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100"
     -join round -cap round -thick 40
     -line "200 200" -line "220 100" -stroke
     -o out.pdf

Then we see:

Caps and joins

The miter limit (see PDF reference for details) may be set with -miter.

Lines may have dash patterns. A dash pattern consists of one or more numbers. All save the last form the list of dash lengths and gap lengths. The last is the phase, which defines how far along the pattern we start. For example, using a dash pattern of ”30 20 0” i.e black 30, white 20, phase 0:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -to "100 100"
     -dash "30 20 0" -thick 20 -line "400 300" -stroke
     -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Dash patterns

18.5 The graphics stack and matrices

-push Push graphics stack
-pop Pop graphics stack
-matrix "a b c d e f" Append to graphics matrix
-mtrans "tx ty" Translate the graphics matrix
-mrot "x y a" Rotate the graphics matrix counterclockwise around (x, y) by angle a in radians
-mscale "x y sx sy" Scale the graphics matrix around (x, y)
-mshearx "x y a" Shear the graphics matrix in X around (x, y) by angle a
-msheary "x y a" Shear the graphics matrix in Y around (x, y) by angle a

PDF maintains a stack of graphics state, which we can manipulate with -push which stores the current state, then modify the state for our own purposes, and then use -pop to restore the previous state. Such invocations may be nested. Here is a simple example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -circle "200 200 100" -fillcol red -fill
     -push -fillcol blue -circle "300 300 100" -fill
     -pop -circle "400 400 100" -fill  -o out.pdf

When we use -pop the colour returns to the saved one:

Push and pop

One very common use for a -push/-pop pair is to isolate the effects of an operation which modifies the current transformation matrix. These operations are used to translate, rotate, scale and so on. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -circle "200 200 100" -stroke -push
     -mrot "0 0 -0.3" -mscale "0 0 1.5 2" -circle "200 200 100" -stroke
     -pop -circle "200 200 50" -fill -o out.pdf

This is the result. See how the graphics transformation is undone when -push is invoked:

Altering the graphics matrix

This is important because, in the absence of -push and -pop there would be no way to reverse the effect of a graphics matrix modification except to manually calculate its inverse and apply it.

NB: When writing text (see below) the -font option is not subject to -push and -pop. Text is set the the font most recently chosen on the command line.

18.6 Re-use with XObjects

-xobj-bbox "x y w h" Specify the bounding box for xobjects
-xobj <name> Begin saving a sequence of graphics operators
-end-xobj End saving a sequence of graphics operators
-use <name> Use a saved sequence of graphics operators

In our examples, we have sometimes had to write the same operations multiple times. To avoid this, PDF has a mechanism called an XObject. This allows us to save a set of operations for re-use in different contexts, or on different pages. For example, here we store an XObject which just strokes a circle. We then -use it once, and alter the colour and transformation matrix and -use it again.

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -xobj-bbox "0 0 200 200" -xobj A
     -circle "100 100 50" -stroke -end-xobj
     -use A -strokecol red -mtrans "20 20" -use A -o out.pdf

Note that we must specify a bounding box for the XObject with -xobj-bbox. Here is the result:

An Xobject

XObjects may be nested.

18.7 Images

-draw-jpeg <name>=<filename> Load a JPEG from file and name it
-draw-png <name>=<filename> Load a PNG from file and name it
-image <name> Draw an image which has already been loaded

We can include a 24bit non-transparent and non-interlaced PNG, or any JPEG by using -draw-jpeg or -draw-png to load it and assign it a name. We can then use -image to use it at any point:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -draw-png A=sheet.png
     -mscale "0 0 400 294" -image A -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Drawing a PNG on a PDF

You can see we had to scale by the width and height of the image to draw it at the size we expect.

18.8 Transparency

-fill-opacity <n> Set opacity
-stroke-opacity <n> Set stroke opacity

We can set fill and stroke transparencies, between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque):

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -fill-opacity 0.5
     -circle "250 300 150" -fill -circle "350 300 150" -fill
     -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Fill and stroke transparency

Notice that we used -fill twice, to ensure each circle was in a different path. If they had been part of the same path, the effect would be different.

18.9 Text

-bt Begin text
-et End text
-text <text> Draw text
-stext <text> Draw text with %specials
-font <fontname> Set font
-font-size <n> Set font size
-leading <n> Set leading
-charspace <n> Set character spacing
-wordspace <n> Set word space
-textscale <n> Set text scale
-rendermode <n> Set text rendering mode
-rise <n> Set text rise
-nl New line

We can draw text in a text section, which must start with -bt and end with -et. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "50 50" -font Helvetica -font-size 144
     -bt -text "Hello" -et -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Drawing text

If we use -stext instead of -text the usual special values from Chapter 8 (with the exception of URL links) may be used:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "50 50" -font-size 144
     -bt -stext "Page %Page" -et -o out.pdf

Now we see:

Using special text

We can use -text multiple times, interspersing operators which change the text state, such as font and font size:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "10 20" -font-size 72
     -bt -text "Different " -font Times-BoldItalic -text "fonts"
     -font-size 36 -text " and sizes" -et -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Font and font size

We can alter the character space, word space, horizontal scaling (100 = no scaling, less than 100 shrink, more than 100 stretch), and text rise:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "10 20" -font-size 72
     -bt -textscale 75 -charspace 5 -wordspace 20 -text "Different "
     -font Times-BoldItalic -text "fonts" -font-size 36 -rise 40
     -text " and sizes" -et -o out.pdf

Now we see:

Font parameters

Text may appear on multiple lines. We set up the line spacing with -leading then make new lines with -nl:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "100 200" -font-size 50
     -leading 55 -bt -text "This is" -nl -text "on multiple"
     -nl -text "lines" -et -o out.pdf

Now we have:

Text on multiple lines

When composing text, we may need to find the width of a piece of text to see where to break it, or for right alignment. We can use -text-width for this:

cpdf -font Times-Roman -font-size 20 -text-width "Hello"

The result is in points.

We can change the text rendering mode to show outline text or, in this example, to use text as a clipping region:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -rendermode 7 -mtrans "100 200" -font-size 50
     -leading 55 -bt -text "This is" -nl -text "on multiple"
     -nl -text "lines" -et -circle "100 0 100" -fill -o out.pdf

Here is the result:

Clipping to text

Here are the text rendering modes:

0 Fill text (default)
1 Stroke text
2 Fill, then stroke text
3 Neither fill nor stroke (invisible)
4 Fill text and add to path for clipping
5 Stroke text and add to path for clipping
6 Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping
7 Add text to path for clipping

NB: When writing text the -font option is not subject to -push and -pop. Text is set the the font most recently chosen on the command line.

NB: To use a TrueType font with -draw, the -load-ttf must appear after the -draw.

NB: To use -embed-std14, put it before -draw.

18.10 Paragraphs

We can add a paragraph of text of a given width and justification (Left, Right, or Centre) using the -para operation:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "200 400" -font-size 20 -leading 25
     -bt -para "L200pt=This is a paragraph of width 100pt, left-justif
     ied, containing more than one line..." -et
     -o out.pdf

Notice the paragraph specification L200pt= for left justified, 200pt-wide at the beginning of the string. Notice also we must give a value for -leading. Here is the result:

A paragraph

Multiple paragraphs with optional indenting may be laid out with -paras:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -mtrans "200 500" -bt -font-size 20 -leading 25
     -indent 20 -paras "L300=This is the first paragraph, which is spread 
     over multiple lines at this width...\nAnd here is the second, also ta
     king more than one line.\nHere is a little one." -et AND -decompress
     -o out.pdf

We specify the newlines with \n, and the indentation with -indent. Here is the result.

Multiple paragraphs

Note that there is no automatic typesetting over multiple pages with -paras.

18.11 The next page

-newpage Move to a fresh page

If the drawing range is a single page, and the next page already exists, the drawing operation -newpage operation moves to the next page. Otherwise, it creates a fresh page of the same dimensions as the last page of the document, and sets the drawing range to just that page. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw -bt -text "Page 1" -et
     -newpage -bt -text "Page 2" -et
     -o out.pdf

This will create a two page PDF with ”Page 1” written on page one and ”Page 2” written on page two.

18.12 Structure information

A PDF may contain, in addition to its graphical content, a tree of information concerning the logical organization of the document into chapters, sections, paragraphs, figures and so on. When used with a standard set of pre-defined data types, this is known as Tagged PDF. Some PDF subformats, such as PDF/UA, mandate – amongst other things – the full tagging of the file.

When drawing, Cpdf can add such structure information. Partly this can happen automatically, partly it is for the user to add the tags. NB: These facilities are presently limited to drawing new PDFs.

To enable the generation of structure information, we add -draw-struct-tree to our command:

cpdf -create-pdf AND
     -draw-struct-tree -draw -bt -text "Hello, World" -et -o out.pdf

Structure information in a PDF is in the form of a tree. We can now show the structure tree, and see that our paragraph on page one has been automatically tagged by Cpdf:

$cpdf -print-struct-tree out.pdf
    P (1)

To prevent such automatic tagging, relying only on manual tags, use -no-auto-tags. The effect may be reversed at any point with -auto-tags. Unless told otherwise, Cpdf auto-tags text added using -text, -stext and -paras with tag P, and images with tag Figure.

There are two types of tag we can add manually. One kind is used to tag individual pieces of content. We do this with a -tag/-end-tag pair. Note that nesting is not permitted here. For example, let us tag a heading:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw-struct-tree -draw -mtrans "50 700" 
     -font-size 40 -no-auto-tags -tag H1 -bt -text "This is the heading"
     -et -end-tag -auto-tags -mtrans "0 -100" -font-size 20 -leading 25
     -bt -paras "L200pt=This is the first paragraph, which spreads over
more than one line\nHere is the second, which also has multiple lines..."
     -et -o out.pdf

We turned off auto-tagging with -no-auto-tag, then used -tag H1 and -end-tag to tag the heading. Then we turned auto-tagging back on with -auto-tag. Here is the result, visually:

Manual tagging

And here is the structure tree:

    H1 (1)
    P (1)
    P (1)

Content tagging is flat - every part of the content of a page is part of only one -tag. The logical structure of a document, however, is a tree structure – sections contain paragraphs, and so on. To build the logical structure tree, we add structure tags using -stag / -end-stag pairs which, of course, may be nested. For example, let’s put our H1, and P sections in a Section structure tag:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw-struct-tree -draw -mtrans "50 700" 
     -font-size 40 -no-auto-tags -stag Section -tag H1 -bt
     -text "This is the heading" -et -end-tag -auto-tags -mtrans "0 -100" 
     -font-size 20 -leading 25 -bt -paras "L200pt=This is the first parag
raph, which spreads over more than one line\nHere is the second, which al
so has multiple lines..." -et -end-stag -o out.pdf

Here is the structure tree:

   Section (1)
       H1 (1)
       P (1)
       P (1)

Some PDF standards require that everything not marked as content (e.g paragraph, figure) etc. is marked as a an artifact. For example, a background image which is the same on every page, or a page border. This tells PDF processors that it is not logical content.

By default, Cpdf with -draw-struct-tree will mark anything not automatically or manually tagged as content as an artifact. Should you wish to disable this, you may use -no-auto-artifacts. Whether or not you use -no-auto-artifacts, you may use -artifact / end-artifact pairs to mark artifacts manually. For example:

cpdf -create-pdf AND -draw-struct-tree -draw -no-auto-artifacts
     -artifact -mtrans "50 700" -end-artifact -bt -text "Hello" -et
     -o out.pdf

Here we manually tagged the -mtrans as being an artifact. The text section was automatically tagged as a paragraph, and so all content has been tagged or marked as an artifact.

Some tags require a namespace other than the default. You can set the namespace with -namespace, which affects all future tags until reset. Two namespace abbreviations are available: PDF for the default namespace and PDF2 for the PDF 2.0 namespace

Extra information may be added to structure tree nodes with -eltinfo / -end-eltinfo. For example, to set the alternative description for an image, we might write (in JSON format, or prefixing with PDF in PDF format) -eltinfo "Alt=PDF(A large horse)" -image A -end-eltinfo. Multiple items may be set at once, for example Alt, ActualText, Lang etc.

A role map, which maps non-standard structure types to standard ones, may be set with -rolemap. For example -rolemap "/S1/H1/S2/H2" would map the S1 structure type to the standard type H1 and so on.